Monday, July 27, 2009

Seager Legacy 1.3

When we last left off Evelyn had just exercised herself straight into labour.

Evelyn quickly jumped into a cab and headed to the hospital.

When she arrived the place seemed absolutely deserted.

Once she entered however Carlotta Lobos started flipping out.

She stopped panicking as soon as Jon arrived. Just in time.

Meet our newest Seager, and possible Heiress, Abigail. Abby Loves the Outdoors (pre-assigned handy for me) and randomly rolled Evil. She likes Violet, Classical Music & French Toast.

I must admit I'm a little disturbed at the lack of carseats. I have alerted the police on people for this very same thing.

As soon as they got home from the hospital Jon's carpool arrived. I find it funny that a successful Lead Guitarist gets picked up in a minivan.

Abigail barely cried once, Evelyn fed her a bottle and put her to bed.

And the evil baby slept all night while Mom played chess.

Jon had a difficult decision to make at work that night. Their guitarist had not advanced wit the other members and was dragging the band down. Jon decided to fire him and hire a new drummer. The new drummer was brilliant and Jon got an $18 raise. He decided to celebrate by playing a free concert outside work after he got off.

After he got home he decided to tend to the babies needs before joining his wife in bed. He was not impressed with Abigail's dirty diaper but Abby sure looked pleased with herself.

The morning was quiet, sleepy baby and sleepy husband so Evelyn took the time to catch up on a few household chores.

In the afternoon she worked on her strength training while Jon read a book for work.

Evelyn had noticed their relationship was starting to fall by the wayside and decided to try her hand at cooking a nice dinner for her husband while he studied for work. Autumn Salad was easy enough and they both enjoyed their dinner while the baby slept.

That night they found themselves cuddling in bed like they hadn't done in months.

Jon awoke early and practiced his guitar for a while before Evelyn woke up.

When Evelyn got up she passionately kissed her husband.

Then she dragged him back to bed.

When they got up again Jon made them dinner while Evelyn worked on her logic. Because of the new baby and Jon's night job they tended to be night owls. They usually woke up as the sun was setting and went to bed shortly after it rose again.

If I leave Evelyn alone at all she does this. I don't really mind unless I needed her to do something else.

Despite being evil Abigail was really a terrific sim-baby. I think she only cried once, her parents were usually autonomously right on top of her needs and she just slept while they skilled.

Soon it was her birthday though. Jon brought her to the cake. Evelyn cheered her little lungs out.

Abigail grew up with curly brown hair, diaper and running shoes.

A change of outfit was in order. Colouring-wise she is a clone of her mom. Mom's light brown hair and hazel eyes.

Evelyn immediately set about teaching her young daughter to walk. She wanted to get her skilling over at the beginning of toddlerhood as she suspected the end of toddlerhood she might be a little busy.

Meanwhile, Jon was watching the wedding channel, perhaps yearning for the big wedding they didn't have, or more likely thanking the sim-gods he didn't have to drop that kind of cash on a wedding.

I decided his time would be better spent working on his guitar skill.

It was about this time that Evelyn discovered they were expecting their second child. She hoped it was the boy Jon had been dreaming of since her last pregnancy.

She put her tired daughter to bed,

and helped herself to a piece of birthday cake.

She still had morning sickness into her second trimester which often clogged the toilet. Thankfully she was handy enough to fix it herself without calling a repair technician.

That night Jon was promoted to Pop Icon.

He now rode around town in a big black tour bus. Who needs a cab?

Evelyn fed her daughter before continuing on with her walking lessons.

It wasn't long before Abigail mastered it.

After mastering walking, Evelyn decided to start working in Abby's vocabulary. She knew mama and dada but the rest of her conversations were babble.

They didn't work on potty training seriously yet, Abigail was still a little young, but it never hurt to introduce the idea if they caught her in time.

Here's where my game glitched and I learnt an important lesson. Jon woke up and autonomously decided to recycle the paper. I thought awesome and watched to see if he recycled them all or just one. But he got to the doorway and stood in the doorway spinning his plumbob for 12+ hours. I tried Xing the command, I tried giving him other commands, commanding Evelyn to interact with him and finally move objects to get him out of the doorways. Nothing worked. I snapped this picture in case he was gone forever and did what worked in the sims 2.I deleted him, saved and reloaded the family from the main screen. Jon appeared on the family picture but was gone from my house and sim bar. I freaked out for a minute and then exited without saving swapped in the backup save and all was fixed. I had saved right before they went to sleep so I only lost a few sim-hours of nothing happening. I've been watching him very closely ever since but he seems fine now.

As with her first pregnancy, this pregnancy didn't stop her exercising one bit.

Evelyn decided to redecorate the mater bedroom in her and Jon's favourite colours. Hot Pink and Spice Brown, which happen to look quite nice together.

While she was at it she decorated the nursery in Abigail's favourite colour, violet.

Family skilling time.

At this point I remembered that in addition to guitar skill, Jon needed charisma to get his LTW and sent him off to talk to the mirror.

I love the toddler interations with the toybox. I haven't had one hide inside yet but i'm looking forward to it.

Abigail learned to talk fairly quickly and Evelyn decided it was time to start potty training.

Their first honest try though Evelyn goes into labour.

Evelyn and Jon called a babysitter for Abigail and headed off to the hospital.

Meet Alexander Seager, assigned Absent-minded and Genius. He likes Electronica, Sushi and Aqua.

A giant crowd had gathered while they were in the hospital. Jon saw one of his friends and bandmates, Yuri Ivanov.

He decided to stick around and chat with Yuri before meeting his wife back at home.

Back at home the babysitter stood outside the entire time and still took his $75 pay.

The birth of their son really brought jon & Evelyn's relationship back together.

They like to cuddle on the couch and watch Abby play while Alex sleeps in his crib.

For the first time in a while Evelyn woke up before Jon.

She took Abby to the potty and it finally stuck. Abby had learned all her toddler skills.

When Jon woke up he decided to autonomously clean the toilet. Even after what happened last time, who am I to stop a man autonomously cleaning?

I would like to point out that this is what my livingroom looks like too, thanks to my almost-toddler daughter.

Time flies with sleepy babies and it was soon time for Alexander's birthday. Mom brought him to the cake.

He actually grew into a cute outfit, I just changed his shirt colour and added shoes. Hair needed to be fixed though.

Like Abby is a clone of her mom, Alex is a clone of his dad. Medium brown hair and grey eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Evelyn has a good start going on her legacy. She certainly has a good husband...cleans without being told to, and keeps his nose in his book even when she's exercising right in front of him in tight little jogging shorts (or maybe that's not such a good Glad you didn't lose him to that glitch.
